group of dogs

Where Pets and People Come Together in Perfect Harmony

Quality Dog Training and Pet Services

group of dogs

Where Pets and People Come Together in Perfect Harmony

Quality Dog Training and Pet Services

group of dogs

Where Pets and People Come Together in Perfect Harmony

Quality Dog Training and Pet Services

A woman and a baby playing with a dog

Helping your dogs become the happy, calm, confident Furr baby he was meant to be.

Compassionate, experienced animal lovers, trainers and service personnel. With our team of dedicated trainers, we strive to help fur parents give proper care to their pets.

Our Mission

We work to empower your dog by instilling strength and confidence via collaborative learning and positive reinforcement.

Dog Training

At Planet Furr, we take the whole dog approach to training. We use mind, body and science to teach pet owners how to connect with their pets. We craft an individualized plan for each dog/owner team; from the aloof self-sufficient dog, to the stage 5 clinger. Let us help give you a calm, confident dog that blends seamlessly into your family structure.

a boy holding a big dog

Positive Reinforcement

We believe training should be an enjoyable experience for the whole family. The more you understand how your dog thinks and learns, the better you can communicate. Behavior that is rewarded is more likely to be repeated, so we only reward the behaviors we want.

Learning by Association

Positive reinforcement is a science-based approach. When used with correct reward timing, efficiently facilitated sessions, and consistency, this will be your most powerful tool for shaping and changing your dog’s behavior.

Drop Us a Line

Get in touch with us to learn more about what we do.